Fantastic Foundations
The Write Stuff in the Early Years
with Jane Considine
What is Fantastic Foundations?
Fantastic Foundations - The Write Stuff in the Early Years, created by Jane Considine, is a system that puts key aspects of communication at the heart of your teaching. By implementing Jane Considine's methods, pupils' language will be nurtured through developing ideas, strengthening talk and widening writing opportunities.
Fantastic Foundations is based on three guiding principles:
1. Understanding the uniqueness of each child
2. Nurturing deep talk and developing listening
3. Providing a rich repertoire of real and imagined experiences to ignite writing
Key benefits of Fantastic Foundations include:
🌟 Support for teachers so that there is understanding of how the nine ideas for thinking, talking and writing can be applied to drama, experiences and books
🌟 Children can articulate their ideas about themselves, their world and share characters’ experiences
🌟 ‘Brave’ writing is actively encouraged alongside a pencil and paper approach to valuing their emergent ideas
🌟 ‘Meaningful moments’ are physical ‘lived’ experiences that are rich in photography, films, illustrations and relevant artefacts so that all types of talk maximise vocabulary development
🌟 Teachers have a clear sense of how to wrap pupils in language in a timely way as a prerequisite to building sentences
🌟 Children have clarity of how to write in a wealth of ways that adds detail and extra information through using conjunctions, e.g. because
Fantastic Foundations - The Write Stuff in the Early Years is an online course broken down into 5 modules that can be completed at your own pace.
Take a look at the different payment and license options below.
"Together, we can make great things happen."
Jane Considine