Episode 10 - Irish memories, fascination, curiosity and a love of words and Susie Dent

Join Jane and Heather as they celebrate the milestone of 10 fabulous episodes of The Teacher Squad Podcast.

This week, Heather is grateful for some indulgent snacks, while Jane smiles back on some summer holiday memories.

Heather’s sentence of the week sums up her reflections from her day at the November Non Fiction Conference. Jane’s sentence is about listening and listen well.



In this week’s Wonder of Words Heather indulges in two books all about words. Jane shares a gorgeous slow paragraph that takes you right into a storm with some amazing description.

Big Love from Heather and Heartbursts from Jane xx

A few shares from the show: https://www.tes.com/magazine/teaching-learning/primary/how-to-teach-writing-in-schools-research?fbclid=IwAR0HmPRohVkvIwWEUjZ_upL6K3r83vvHHjRR0ZAJ80S4sv9yvHKS2SFZRTk_aem_AfTcUhDl2WBfb5LkGWlI_o3F0VxX27VzjXdQ6hEIdJH192kJ47o5wFCYz2g5xBM7nnc




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